Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Letter Poem

Letter Poem by Owen Hoal

U is a piece of watermelon.
U is an X Games half-pipe.
U is a horseshoe.
U is a nose.

A sideways U is half of a head.
A sideways U is half of a potato.
A sideways U is a sign language C.
A sideways U is a thumb.

An upside down U is a steep curved hill.
Image result for watermelonAn upside down U is a silo.
An upside down U is one bunny ear.
An upside down U is a rainbow.

Insult Poem

 Insult Poem by Owen Hoal

Hey you there
I’m sorry man, but you’re so ugly no one wants to stare.
Not only are you fat
But you can’t even swing a baseball bat.
All you do is eat
You even crack the ground with your feet.
You think you’re so cool
But your breath smells like a sewer pool.

In fact you eat so much cake
If you fell there would there would be an earthquake.
You’ve never had a date
By the way you’ll never find a mate.
You think you’re like cupid
But actually you are just really stupid.
You think you can run

But really just go eat another Honey Bun.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Short Story

The Acts by Owen Hoal
Johnsonville is a small, rural town in Ohio, with a population of roughly 250 people. It’s an everyone knows everyone type of town. Johnsonville had an extremely low crime rate, that was until April 22, 2015.
The citizens of the town had gotten word there was a new man moving to Johnsonville. They had become very anxious to meet this man. The day finally came when he moved into the house on Elmore Street. Everyone soon learned his name was David Green and greeted him politely with presents of all sorts. David was very friendly back to the civilians of the small town.
As time passed Green soon became a part of the Johnsonville community. He’d been seen buying groceries or eating out at a diner, but he was always alone. It seemed as if he liked it that way. Something else was very strange about David, he had no phone, no electronics, and always paid with cash never a check or credit card. When someone asked him why that was, he replied with, “I enjoy the simple things.”
The irony of that was the fact he got a job as a computer repairman, who would go around and fix people’s computers by appointment. David never went to the bank either, it almost seemed as if he was hiding from something. Other than that David Green was just a normal Johnsonville citizen.
Nora Morrison was a married mother of two who worked at the grocery store. But on December 2, she went missing. Nothing like this had ever happened in the small town of Johnsonville, no one knew what to do. So everyone just began searching for her, that is everyone except for David. The Sheriff’s department questioned everybody in the town, but no clues or leads on where Nora could be were found. They never stopped looking for two months, but after that everyone just gave up. Her husband Tom Morrison went back to work at the bank so Nora’s mom moved to Johnsonville to watch the children.
Then on April 22, almost five months after she had gone missing, Nora’s body was discovered deep in the woods east of Johnsonville. The cause of death was a single gunshot to the back of the head, execution style. Although this gave the family the closure they hadn’t had before, Tom was never the same.
David never wanted anything to do with the search for Nora, he just continued to work. Nobody thought anything of this because he was new and did not know her enough to really care. Everyone was on edge for months after the murder of Nora Morrison, no one walked alone and everyone stayed inside at night.
Tom Morrison decided that it would be best for the whole family if they moved away from Johnsonville. The murder was slowly forgotten, the case went cold without a suspect in custody, and was eventually closed as an unsolved case. However; David Green went on doing business as normal during the investigation as if nothing ever happened.
The town also moved on and was no longer on edge until on November 13, 2016 when another woman named Dayna Brown was abducted walking home from work at the bakery. Once again there were not many leads except for a single black leather glove left at the scene of the abduction. The Sheriff's department ran the glove for fingerprints, but got no matches. Dayna was a single woman with no family, but she had been best friends with Nora Morrison.
The town now started to suspect David Green of the abduction and murder of Nora Morrison. The Sheriff got a search warrant for David’s home but found nothing but a woman’s sock. Of course the sock did not prove anything, so no further investigation was performed against Green. The citizens of the town were not convinced that David was clean, so they decided to take things into their own hands. So the Jacksons invited David over for dinner that night and began asking questions related to the abductions.
He replied nervously, “It’s terrible to think that someone in such a tight knit of a town would perform such a terrible act.” His voice was very shaky when he said this.When dinner had concluded David Green left, but he seemed angry.
The next morning Dayna Brown’s body was discovered in the same exact spot as Nora Morrison’s, with the same cause of death an execution style shot to the back of the head. Had the dinner questions been enough to drive him to kill Dayna, only two days after the abduction? It made no sense. It was the complete opposite of what he had done with Nora.
That was not all that happened that day, another woman by the name of Linda Lesner, a married mother of one, was taken. She was a stay at home mom and was walking to book club when she was taken. Something was different this time David Green made a mistake that would get him caught. He dropped his knife that he threatened the victims with. The Sheriff’s Department ran the knife for fingerprints, like they had done with the gloves, but this time they got a hit.
Whose name do you think popped up when they ran the fingerprints? The one and only David Green who had warrants for his arrest in Colorado and Arizona, for murder and kidnapping. The FBI was called in to finish the investigation because the case was above the small town Sheriff’s Department’s jurisdiction. Only before they could arrive in Johnsonville David Green killed yet another woman, Linda Lesner. This brought his murder count to three women.
Green heard through the grapevine that the FBI was on their way to apprehend to the serial killer of Johnsonville. He quickly made a plan to flee Johnsonville and move to another small town in Florida. Green set off for Florida once night fell so no one could alert the Sheriff that he was fleeing town. Unfortunately for him, Ms. Davis saw him leave and called it in.
Just as Green crossed the Ohio-West Virginia border, the FBI entered Johnsonville and were informed that David fled. They quickly realized they must run him down before they lost him again. So the FBI sped onto the interstate and started the race to catch up with David. Nearly half way through West Virginia the FBI spotted David Green driving directly in front of them.
They began to make their move with one car in front of David Green and one behind him. He soon learned that he was about to be caught so he whipped into the other lane and accelerated past the front cop car. With a high speed chase underway, the FBI realized that if they were going to stop Green, they would need to crash into his car in order to stop him from getting away. They floored the car in order to catch up to Green. They slammed into Green’s car sending his it into a guardrail to a screeching halt. The FBI surrounded David’s car and arrested him. Back at the jail, David Green was interrogated. He confessed to all of the murders in Colorado, Arizona, and Ohio.
Three months later in court David Green admitted to  how he found and met his victims through his computer business, which gave him a reason to enter the victim’s homes. Every family that he affected was in the courtroom. The jury determined he was guilty on all counts of abductions and murders. His punishment for these crimes was the death penalty.
On November 23, 2016 David Green was put to death via lethal injection.  Finally, the families he destroyed had closure. The monster that took the lives of their loved ones was no longer a threat to society. This is a prime example of trusting someone without knowing them, gone awfully wrong.

Thursday, January 7, 2016