Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Letter Poem

Letter Poem by Owen Hoal

U is a piece of watermelon.
U is an X Games half-pipe.
U is a horseshoe.
U is a nose.

A sideways U is half of a head.
A sideways U is half of a potato.
A sideways U is a sign language C.
A sideways U is a thumb.

An upside down U is a steep curved hill.
Image result for watermelonAn upside down U is a silo.
An upside down U is one bunny ear.
An upside down U is a rainbow.

Insult Poem

 Insult Poem by Owen Hoal

Hey you there
I’m sorry man, but you’re so ugly no one wants to stare.
Not only are you fat
But you can’t even swing a baseball bat.
All you do is eat
You even crack the ground with your feet.
You think you’re so cool
But your breath smells like a sewer pool.

In fact you eat so much cake
If you fell there would there would be an earthquake.
You’ve never had a date
By the way you’ll never find a mate.
You think you’re like cupid
But actually you are just really stupid.
You think you can run

But really just go eat another Honey Bun.